Amos Counseling
Call me 970-778-4360
Dr. Marty Amos 
1131 N 21 street  
Grand Junction CO, 81501   
 We are committed
HomeServicesservice descriptionPartnersDrinking and TroubleSelf Help page 
About UsGrand JunctionDelta

          to helping you 
Amos Supportive Housing Assoicaiton ( ASHA)
Jamie Eckert
(970) 985-4066
-to-date care and treatment and have gone to great lengths to reduce the barriers to this care and drug trea
Joseph  Center 
(970) 245-4672
Name of Contact Person
(970) 639-0830

Partner Service 
Community Referrals  for support of our  clients
1.Joseph Center
2.Saint Mary’s Addiction Clinic
3.Community hospital
4.Saint Mary’s hospital
5.Colorado Canyons 
6.Mind Springs for crisis services 

Contacts with Community partners 
A.Department of Human Services 
B.Probation Department for inmate services
C.Parole Department for parole services
D.Saint Mary’s Addiction Clinic
E.Community Corrections
F.Private Attorneys
G.Public Defenders 
H.Front Range referrals for MAT program